Call for Abstracts

All submissions open from February 2024 until July 30, 2024. Extension of the deadline for sending abstracts until August 30, 2024. Due to limited assistance of IT staff, this will be an on-site conference only. Notifications will be sent back by November 2024.

Conference language: English

We invite contributions that offer critical insights and reflections on (inter)generationality, ageing, ageism, and old age from humanities and social sciences perspectives to reflect on how (inter)generational relationships are portrayed and understood in fictional and non-fictional narratives of ageing and old age as well as reflections on practices of intergenerational relations, such as gardening, creating art, teaching, practical skills and/or various forms of care to examine the ways in which they contribute to reinforcing a declinist view of the ageing experience or, contrarily, challenge limiting conceptions of ageing and old age, and even combat ageism.

Possible themes may include, but are not limited to:

  • Intergenerational relationships in literary, cultural and audio-visual expressions.
  • Narratives around age, longevity and intergenerational relations.
  • Reflections on cultural narratives, processes and strategies for the study and/or promotion of intergenerational relationships
  • Intergenerational narratives of solidarity and conflict (climate change, care, welfare systems, among others)
  • Identities and representations across different ages
  • Ageism and gender inequality in narrative and care practices
  • Collaborative learning and knowledge exchange across the life course
  • Intergenerational relations in physical and emotional well-being
All submissions will be evaluated by the academic committee. A book of abstracts with all the contributions and information on the participants will be distributed to all registered participants as a pdf document. Only the abstracts of registered participants will be included in the book of abstracts.

Oral presentation:

  • Proposals for papers: title of the paper, an abstract of 250 words and a 5-line biography of the presenter together with the contact details.


  • Proposals for panels: up to 4 papers in conversation with each other, each of which should include the title of the panel, an abstract of 800 words referring to each of the papers including the paper titles, a 5-line biography of the panel chair and of each of the contributors, and the contact details of the chair and contributors

One presenter can only submit ONE PROPOSAL (either of an individual paper or as chair and/or contributor of a panel). If a person submits more than one proposal, none will be taken into account.

Poster presentation:

  • Proposals for posters: Posters will be presented in poster sessions at the conference. The poster abstract must include a title, name(s), and a summary of the research design and findings closely related to the call. This abstract must be no longer than 250 words.

Instructions for oral presentations

Oral presentations will last 20 minutes including the question period. All speakers are kindly invited to check the time and day of their presentation. Presentations must be done with current software (i.e. powerpoint) and we invite speakers to check compatibility at the beginning of the symposium.

Instructions for posters

All posters have to be printed A0 size (84 cm x119 cm or 33 in x 47 in) in portrait layout. Posters can be installed at the beginning of the conference, and we encourage their display until the end of the conference.